If you are a part of my close friends and family then you may know most of this about me but I figured why not start a blog for my friends and family I don't see all the time.. why not document my journey through life and whatever else God lays on my heart.

Monday, November 16, 2009

What I am Thankful For..

I love Thanksgiving because it's a great reminder of all that we have to be thankful for in each of our lives. For the past few years my mom has made it a tradition that each of us go around the table and tell what it is we are thankful for. I always start thinking about what I will say a week or so in advance hence my blogpost, it was on my mind :).

This year I would have to say that I am most thankful for my family (immediate, in laws, extended etc). This past Saturday I was given the opportunity through my friend Mary, to participate in helping her church host an event for those less fortunate. Weeks of preparation went into this event. They collected clothing for every age of life, coats, shoes, detergent, toys etc. Mary and I were assigned to be personal shoppers with a young woman who was probably in her early 20s or late teens. Before we even started shopping with her, the organizers told us that the main area of need for most of these people according to the sheet they each filled out, was simply having someone to talk to, someone to listen. They said that many of them never have any visitors.

This immediately broke my heart and made me see my family in a different light. I am so thankful that I have family to visit with and to share the good and bad times with. We all take so much for granted in our own lives. I know for me I have to remember each day that I am so lucky to have food on the table and a roof over my head... it didn't cross my mind that I should be thankful for all of the visitors I receive and all of the people that ask me how I am doing! I definitely took that for granted!

With the start of this holiday season... try to think of everything you have to be thankful for. I would like to encourage you to listen to that friend who is going through a rough time even when you feel like you don't have the time, invite that friend or family member to your celebration if you know they don't have anyone else to spend the special day with. Even though I know it can be hard, be thankful that your friends or family want to talk to you on the phone and that you have unexpected visitors at times!

Hope each of you have a VERY Happy Thanksgiving and find so much to be thankful for that maybe you took for granted before! :)