If you are a part of my close friends and family then you may know most of this about me but I figured why not start a blog for my friends and family I don't see all the time.. why not document my journey through life and whatever else God lays on my heart.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Time for Everything

The Bible says that everything we pray for and everything we need will happen on God's Time. I dont know about you but for me I often get caught up in praying like crazy about something and wondering if God is even listening. I can tell you that he is. Yesterday he answered a prayer that I have been praying for probably close to a year. Whole heartedly I have probably been praying it for 3 months but thought that maybe I was on the wrong track with the burden I felt to keep praying about it. Now I know I wasn't and what a great feeling it is when he finally does give you a glimpse of hope or peace about the situation! I know the situation is not totally "fixed" but he gave a sign that he hears me and is in full control!

I am still new in my faith given that I have been an active Christian since the Fall of the year 2000. By that I mean I grew up going to Church, going to Sunday School, and attending Church Camps but it was not until September of the year 2000 that I was led by two very special people, Erin North Thompson and Jonathan Berry, on how to accept and ask Jesus Christ into my heart. I remember the day like it was yesterday, we were on a 3 way phone conversation and I continued to ask questions to them and then accepted him as my Savior that night. It was like a switch had been turned on. I woke up the next day feeling "different" and I became interested in reading the Bible and suddenly my conscious was telling me the difference between right and wrong according to God. I would take my Bible to school and put it in between my text book and read and read and read and underline and write down scriptures! It was something I have never experienced in my life!

With that said, so far in my journey one thing has remained the same. God has ALWAYS been on time. Not on MY time but on HIS time and everytime I have finally received an answer or a sign it seems that is when I really needed it the most. If anything I just wanted to share this with you guys as encouragement that God DOES hear us and wants us to continue to seek and press forward, trusting him and presenting all of our requests to him through prayer! When the time is right he will come through!