If you are a part of my close friends and family then you may know most of this about me but I figured why not start a blog for my friends and family I don't see all the time.. why not document my journey through life and whatever else God lays on my heart.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Remembering Some Things of Importance

WOW, I can't believe it has been 4 years since I have posted here! I have been itching to have a place to write again and decided to revisit my old blog. Life has really happened and changed a lot since my previous post in 2010!

We now have two precious children, Parker (3) and Kate (18 months), who are our world,  and are still happy to have our two labs with us, Duke and Ace, as well. I have been a stay at home mom for the past 3 years hence why I did stop writing. Now that life is starting to get more in a groove again I have felt it on my heart to write again. I can't guarantee it will be often but I promise to try and follow the promptings when I feel God is laying it on my heart.

 Wednesday especially left me wanting to document my feelings and perception of the day: It was what I would call a very special day for me and my kids. Their Mimi (my mom) was able to come be with us for the entire day. This doesn't happen as much as it used to so for us this is always something we look forward to. Before my mom was on her way, I ended up getting in a small finder binder on my way home from the gym. Luckily it was not an awful one and all I did was Thank God the entire way home that it wasn't worse. When my mom called to say she was on the way, she was saying how something had hit her car, causing damage to her new car. We were both kind of complaining- saying "what in the world".

 She finally arrived and we all get to our destination: A Day of Fun at the Cumming Aquatic Center! While there we played, we talked about little things going on in our lives to comfort or help each other sort through it, but then, this sweet sweet boy whom me and the kids had seen the day before there, came up to us in his wheelchair with the biggest smile on his face and said "Hey! I'm back!". See the day before Kate kept going up to him and giving him high fives. She is only 18 months so she doesn't speak yet. She was very drawn to him and he knew it. Today as he swam with us off and on as did a few new friends he had with him there whom had other disabilities of their own, it really hit me like a ton of bricks "we are way beyond blessed".

 You see, we all get caught up in our own lives with "what to wear?", "do they like me?", "Should I get this or that?", "Traffic is awful", "Yikes a wreck!", yet in the grand scheme of things, we all have it BEYOND good. It's hard to always remember that every second of the day, especially when we mainly surround ourselves with people often similar to us whom we love and adore. But what did God call us to do? He called us to love those who feel unloved, those without fathers, those that are widows, those that in general may feel lonely. To me that is also those with disabilities whom may be the victims of unfair treatment or name calling, the elderly in the nursing homes with no one to visit, the sweet young teenage girls or boys whom have been moved to foster shelters whom feel forgotten by their own families. Those are the people we need to be surrounding ourselves and our children's lives with as well.

 Growing up, for several years in a row at Thanksgiving, my mom took me with her as we delivered treats to this one nursing home. We would walk in each room and sit and visit with the person in there. It was very hard and I usually left crying but there is one thing the visits always did, it always left me remembering how blessed I was and that I was doing one of the things God cared about and called us to do.

 I have definitely been feeling the itch again to start volunteering and my prayers have started shifting that God will bring about the opportunity with one of the above groups to spend my time with this Fall. My prayer is that in such a selfish world, we as Christ Followers, will keep it on our hearts and our children's hearts to be a blessing and show love to those whom need it the most. To those that may not look or act just like us. To be kind and be a blessing.

 Heavenly Father, I just want to publicly thank you for this very gentle and huge reminder today while with my children. I pray that I will love those whom need it most and focus on sharing you with them. Help me to keep my children grounded and to grow up doing your work as well. Thank you for loving a sinner like me. AMEN

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