If you are a part of my close friends and family then you may know most of this about me but I figured why not start a blog for my friends and family I don't see all the time.. why not document my journey through life and whatever else God lays on my heart.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

"So Long Insecurity" by Beth Moore

If there is one book that I have read so far in my lifetime that I would suggest every single woman I know to read, it would be this book by Beth Moore. Beth has a way with words and she makes you feel like she wrote the book to you and for you, like she knows so much about you. Even if every single thing doesnt hit at home with you, I am sure that there will be sections that do. After all I would love to meet a woman who didn't pick out or beat herself up over her own flaws more than she would like to admit. Through most of the book I was underlining different passages or starring certain sections so that I don't forget what hit at home with me when I need a little pep talk!

Beth is also doing this book as a study online through her blog- http://www.livingproofministries.blogspot.com/ . It's a great way to stay connected if you do read this book because she offers a deeper look into each chapter and you will see how many women comment about what they are insecure about! She is definitely onto something huge with this.. something that we have all needed to hear for a long time!!

Either way if you are looking for a good read and you know you are insecure, PLEASE read this book! If you don't think you are (I really didnt know how insecure I really was) then give it a shot, it may surprise you! :)


  1. I second all of this! :) Her blog is fabulous! I also like Christian Women Blogging, too for great daily devoltionals. Love ya! xoxoxo

  2. I will have to check out the other one! I am so glad you loved the book too! I have referred this to most of my girlfriends and one already read it and said she thought it was AMAZING! I think its the best book by Beth so far!

  3. Hi Brittany! I was googling Hebrews 13:2 and it brought me to your blog and then I saw you wrote about So Long Insecurity and was even more intrigued. I follow Beth Moore's blog too - love it! THEN, I read your profile and saw you have a dog Duke who is your world and it sounds just like me! My new hubby and I have a dog named Duke too. :) He is our kid until we have a real one. Anyway, thought I'd write and say HI since there was so much we had in common!

  4. Hey Lindsay!! Thank you for your post that is actually pretty amazing that you found it that way! That really is crazy that we have so much in common! WOW! :) It's pretty awesome that all of us women are finding her book and blog so amazing!! I am so thankful for her!

  5. Hey Brittany! Thank you so so much for your sweet words of encouragement. I had a huge sigh of relief just reading your message, so thank you! Brandon is so torn right now and we truly appreciate your prayers. Thank you for reminding me that His timing is perfect. I need a reminder every now and then. We would love to get together with y'all sometime soon and catch up. We'll have to try and work something out. Seems like God continues to work in all of our lives for the better-what a blessing! Love you.
